Functional medicine uses biochemistry to understand the root cause of disease. It looks at the global factors that cause disease, rather than separating your body into different departments.
Functional medicine looks beyond, “If age 45, then take a statin” or “If pain, then take a painkiller”.
When inflammation occurs, it can affect any part of the body. When the immune system is challenged, it affects all of you.
We can look at hormones, neurotransmitters, liver and kidney detoxification. We can look at what makes a cancer cell thrive and deprive it of what it needs to grow to make your body an inhospitable host to that cancer cell, making other treatments more effective.
We can look at making your organs strong and high-functioning; look at what the body needs to regenerate itself and age gracefully. Nourishment is fully half of the medical picture and is largely ignored in modern medicine.
Functional medicine asks “Why?” and pursues every avenue to answer that question.
As medicine becomes more complex, most doctors have less and less time to help you understand the complexities of your care. You may feel that you don’t get enough time to ask questions or you don’t know which questions to ask.
You may have seen so many specialists and had so many tests that you no longer know which opinion makes sense.
You may have been told that nothing more can be done. But you still need answers.
As your advocate, I can:
• Completely review your medical file to find a diagnosis if you do not have one, identify tests or treatment possibilities that have been overlooked or identify symptoms that may be medication side effects.
• Be with you during appointments with your doctor, if you wish, to ask the right questions and fully understand the answers.
• Find new directions in your care.
For those who want life-changing results in their health, packages of varying lengths are available. This allows us to create an individualized health program with consistent support to give you the results you seek.
• Identify and overcome the obstacles that have held you back from achieving results.
• Educate yourself about what your body needs based on your specific health concerns and, if you wish, on your body’s complex genetic requirements. Our bodies do not respond to nutrition and to the environment in the same way. You may be following a program that sounds logical but is not the right one for you. You may be taking the right supplements but at the wrong dose. Sort through all the “nutrition advice” and develop a program that works.
• Take a deeper dive into issues underlying your health challenges, lifestyle habits, environmental challenges, emotional barriers or whatever might holding you back from the life you envision.